Thursday, October 7, 2010

We're Killin' Nat-zi's!

Above: Map of where all of the concentration camps were.

What would life be like to live in a world of terror.
To step outside and notice all the dead friends, neighbors, shop owners laying there on the ground? To witness thousands of people dying because of one man. Hitler.

Concentration camps were camps that the Jewish people were forced to go to, to be tortured or forced to do work. Adolf Htiler and the German Nazi Soldiers did not like those kind of people so they decided to put them in camps, called Concentration camps. They put them in these camps mostly because of their looks and their religion. The camps were built to fit many people in them so they also had many bunk beds to save room.
Concentration camps were first meant for the Jewish. In 1941 some of the camps started being for killing the Jewish people. Some of the ways the Germans killed them were by poisonous gas and testing medical experiments on the people. Some of the experiments that the Germans tested on their prisoners were diseases and the cures for them. 
Would you want to live in that era? Surely I would learn something from having do go through that, to witness that. Hitler was against their religion, made them wear stars on their jackets so people would know that they were jewish unknowing that they were going to die. 
By 1942, the Germans had built 6 death camps. Some of theses death camps were Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and T.II. Some other Concentration camps were Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Treblinka, and Theresienstadt. These camps were forced work camps and not killing camps. The worst death camp out of them all was Auschwitz.

Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp and was located in Poland. It was made up of 3 concentration camps in one. It was a camp that had forced work and killed people. The people were sent from a forced labor camp to a death camp when they became old or when they were weak to be killed. Some were also tested for experiments that tested medical things, such as diseases and cures. About 1 ¼ million people were killed at Auschwitz during World War II and it saddens me. I picture thousands of those people laying on the ground bleeding, crying, or dead. The children that had suffered, the parents that had to be away from their children, and the people who were just killed for fun. Its disappointing to say that they were human, Hitler was human.

It amazes me that although all these people are dead, due to religion, due to pure hatred and maddness that no one really cares about these people. What these people endured, no one. But once the time comes around, where teachers and classes travel to see the old concentration camps, it teaches students to be grateful for what they have. Jewish had nothing but their family, had to work very very hard for their food, and died an awful death. When you look at these pictures, and you learn what they had to go through, it makes you sad, makes you cry, and makes you say thank you for everything your given.

These people endured so much in their lifetime, look back and realize what they had to go through. And what they lost. Their kids, their homes, their lives...

Be grateful for what you have...
Be grateful for not having to go through what they did...
And say thank you and love every little bit of life...

The millions and millions of people that died under the hand of Hitler. 

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