Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Passion, My Life

Above: Not Taken By Me, Found on Google. Action shot, ten photos in one. Cool huh?
You can say that its my passion, the very thing that sends me flying over clouds made of sugar and spice with everything nice. But your probably thinking, 'Everyone's passion is photography'; Well if you want to know the difference between me and this everybody your talking of, you may find it hard to believe but every one's picture taking abilities differ in style, focus, and care. Shocking I know!!  I love looking through the lens of my camera. Its like taking a good hard look at everything and realizing everything changes. You see the beauty in things you normally wouldn't. Its like a new pair of eyes, a new sense. Holding my camera or any camera of shape or size, or whether it sucks or not, just taking a few good pictures makes me happy and excited. When I'm upset I run to my camera and snap pictures of the world or my depressing view of the world. Whatever my mood, it shows in my work, and if that's something everyone loves then I'm happy to be apart of it. Happy to get the taste of it all. 
 Above: A Near- Infrared photo, not taken by me. Found on Google.

 The way to seeing life differently..

Not everyone can be a photographer, and often I get people telling me that. And its true, just because you love taking pictures and you think they are cool, doesn't mean your a photographer. You'll learn some of you ain't quite good at accepting criticism. But me, I love it, it gives me the urge to be better. Someone telling me the contrast could be darker or lighter or that the picture would look better in sepia, or black and white, or vibrant colors; just churns my stomach and I go retake the pictures even if I have 403 shots already of the exact same thing with different ways to view it.  Its the willing to be better, I throw a little piece of me into the photo and send it on its way to being critiqued and then to make it better!! 
    To me, photography helps me cope with the stuff I go through everyday. It makes me view it and turn it into any type of shot. I could have my friends sit in the photo somewhere just to add a little flare. Its just something that made me, me. And I cant wait till I get into a collage that teaches photography so perhaps I can make myself better then I already am. Get a Masters Degree in photography and then its off to job hunting or traveling the world and taking pictures as I go. Sounds fun doesn't it. Yeah.. I think so too.. Aha.. Well, If you like photography, work at it, no ones ever 'great' at photography the first time they take a picture. Know that ANYONE could take the picture but its your job to make it your creation, throw something into the picture, make it dark, make it light, view it differently then keep going till you come up with something you like and that you'd think every one would enjoy staring at.


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