Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wandering Mind

Have you ever free-falled into the unknown?
Every once in a great while, I let my mind wander. Let it create whatever it wants, whatever it pleases and what ever it craves. Sort of like free falling into the unknown. You never know where you going to go, what your going to create and you cannot quite control the tendencies that your mind may have. Its scary yet satisfying and sometimes its just what you need. Your mind can generate thousands and thousands of things, people, and places if you just let your mind get at it! The scary part is when you don't quite know if whats happening, is happening or not. Sort of like the movie Inception. If you do it too often, everything you like, everything you create will turn bad and people say that too much unknown is bad. Which is a big fat FALSE. 
Letting your mind wander, giving in to the unknown isn't bad, nor is it dangerous. Its just like life, sort of giving in to whatever it is that pleases you and doing all you can to achieve it. Talk about Hakuna Matata!

Unknown, of course it can get bad, addicting, and most of the time avoided! But that's why people do it, for the unknown!  People know that staring off into space, daydreaming, dreaming, and everything else our mind can do, isn't as scary as it seems! They don't end up worrying about whether or not they think is good or bad, what they've watched the hour before, they just don't care! Wandering mentally, is actually pretty fun once you get the hang of managing it. Free falling into the unknown, is like jumping into the future, your not scared of what you might see or what you feel will happen. Its doing it cause you know unknown, you want unknown, you need unknown. I like the unknown, it makes me me, I give in to it, and most of all it makes me think.

I know right? Thinking... Whew such a big thing to do, like for all those couch potato's when they get all comfy they don't want to get up? Or for all the slackers in the world that feel they know too much to have to know anymore. But try free falling, try it.. I know you'll love it. I did!

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