Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Some Days I Walk...

Title: Once Used
Taken: Up the street from Juds Office Supply
Style: Old Fashioned and Winterized

About:  I took this picture when I was walking the most stubbornest dog in the world. Sticks its nose in everything I swear, but anyways. I found a great interest in this ladder, considering it was used to its full extent and the wood was beautifully molded. The way the ladder steps were made just added a great antique mood to this ladder. I took this picture because of the lighting, the contrast and of course the texture in the wood. Isnt it a great photo?

Taken by: Mariah Deanda

Title: Red Stairs
Taken: Up the street from Juds Office Supply
Style: Film and Saturation

About: These stairs are my favorite in this entire town. Out of all the places that you could find really cool stairs, that you could use for portraits and some really cool fashion photography shots, I found them here! I enjoyed the fact that the entire house looks like there was an old fire to it, so everything had a smokey burnt type of look. The wood had texture and great lines in it, not only that but bright red stairs! I would enjoy taking some portraits here of someone, it seems so old and the simplicity to the main stairs is just great!!!

Taken by: Mariah Deanda

Title: Walking on the Edge of the Cliff
Taken: On Water st./ Edge Cliff way
Style: Old film, Sepia and shadowy

About: What really caught my eye about this specific sign is that it reminded me of how some people live their ife. They walk on the edge of the cliff, taking chances and right below them is waves crashing into the cliff. People live on the edge, and tell themselves 'Hey I wont fall, Im too good for that' but sooner or later they will land into the freezing cold water. I also just liked the sign and the empty yet crowded area that was. 

Taken By: Mariah Deanda

Title: What-a-bug!
Taken: On Water Street
Style: Old fashioned and focal focus

About: I took this picture because of the antique look the bug gave to the bridge. It reflected the mountains and the water, and hardly any buildings. Sort of just emptiness, and its pretty neat how the bug just sits there. The bug looked like it hasent moved for ages, and it aged along with the railing of the bridge and its surroundings. Its just a really cool shot and I enjoyed knowing that I took this picture.

Taken By: Mariah Deanda

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