Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Did you know that Im a writer? Heh, I wrote this poem!!
All by mahself!

Its white crystal shimmer,
and its cold winter whisper.
The delicate touch of white,
and its flash of warm light.

It’s as soft as a rabbit,
and its a December habit.
The icicles clear and new,
and friends throwing snowballs at you.

It seems Jack Frost came here,
and people spreading Christmas cheer.
The Christmas lights hung and bright,
And snowflakes falling, what a sight.

Its beauty on the mountaintops,
And decorations in all the shops.
Santa walking and greeting kids,
And parents buying Christmas gifts.

Its sound so quiet and imaginary,
And the winter chill so ordinary.
The white beauty elusively divine,
And oh, will you be mine?

What Fox Has To Say About The Poem::

Sometimes, I wonder if people really write like I do. Talking about snow, and life and many different things. But not only that I know I force rhymes here and there. But who doesnt, and in reality, snow is beautiful. Though it does get annoying pretty fast, with the ice and slipping, not only that but with it below freezing. Alaska, it wont ever change. So I decided to write a poem about snow since its coming alot faster now that its further in December. Towards the end, you've noticed that I wrote will you be mine? Well that was towards someone that I like and though they may never see this or the poem that I wrote and printed out, Its a small question that I have asked him mentally many times. Though, It shall never work...

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