Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back In My Day

Back in my younger days, when everything was all right and I didn’t have one care in the world. We lived in Arizona at the time, so we didn’t need a car, my mom rode a bike everywhere with a little baby seat behind her so I could go everywhere with her. One day we went to the store, I cannot recall the name of it since I was still just a wee little one. We were shopping for some food and whatnot, when she put me on the counter and my eyes were drawn to the colorful delicious candy that was right there in front of my face. Stretching out my hands I said, “Mama, I want candy” and you know what happens when you ask for candy, you get a big fat no. So when I asked again she told me no, when I heard that I screamed, “CANDY!!!” Everyone in the line behind us were smiling and laughing, of course everyone knew it was I. I was famous in Arizona, but at that very moment my mom said no, I slapped her across the face. You could hear gasps here and there and the cashier had this shocked look on her face then she started laughing, and with a smirk of my mama’s lips she slapped me back and shouted “No Mariah!” I didn’t cry, I just sat there with a pissed off look on my face and my tiny little arms crossed. Everyone laughed in the store, and after a while my mom smiled at me and made me laugh as well. My mom told me this story and tells it to my friends every time I come home with friends and Im all sugar high. She laughs and tells the story; the story was always my favorite because I was so stubborn. She wasn’t embarrassed by me either because it was just a time in my life where I just about got anything I ever wanted and more. My mother has plenty of memories to share with me and sometimes she does when we hang out and I recall memories that make her smile and hug me. Sometimes when we are shopping I ask her for candy and she says no then punches me in the arm and we both laugh but I grab the candy anyways. I love my mom, and she loves me. It’s the little memories that make us smile, and this story will be told to my kids, If I dare to have any. Haha.

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